Language other than English

The Language other than English Department seeks to help students gain the ability to demonstrate strong reading, writing, and speaking skills in at least one other language in addition to their native tongue.  Students will also learn about key aspects of the culture, both past and present, of the second language.

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French I 
This course will introduce conjugation, grammar, pronunciation, and spelling as well as give students a taste of the French culture. Students will be speaking, hearing, and seeing French.
French II 
This course will continue to build on students’ knowledge of conjugation, grammar, pronunciation, and spelling. We will continue to discover aspects of the French culture and build on our speaking and writing skills.
French III Honors
This course will refine students’ knowledge of complex sentence structures, verb tenses, and vocabulary specific to advanced conversation. The overarching goal is to obtain a level of basic conversational fluency and begin to foster a strong sense of reading ability and comprehension in French.
Spanish I 
Spanish I is a communication-based course integrating all four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing in a culturally authentic context. No prior knowledge of Spanish is required or will be assumed. Importance is also placed on developing the student’s awareness of the cultures of Spanish-speaking people in the United States, Spain, and Latin America.
Spanish II/Honors 
Spanish II is an intermediate academic course, which increases power in oral language, reading and writing in an authentic cultural context. All the lessons and activities build on what the student has previously learned. Importance is also placed on developing the student’s awareness of the cultures of Spanish-speaking people in the United States, Spain, and Latin America.
Spanish III Honors 
 Spanish III is an advanced course. This course enables students to understand and communicate in a second language. The four communication skills of reading, listening, speaking and writing are equally emphasized with a focus on real-world situations. This class will be held entirely in Spanish. The course also covers cultural and historical aspects of the Spanish-speaking world.