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TIDE Academy

TIDE Academy Enrollment Process

TIDE Academy Enrollment Process iconTIDE Academy Enrollment Processtitle

Note: Steps I-III include processes that are district wide. Steps II and III are TIDE-specific options within district wide processes. Steps IV and V are solely for TIDE enrollment.


STEP I: Complete Address Verification

Opens November 1, 2018

An Address Verification form must be completed as a mandatory requirement to establish residency with SUHSD attendance boundaries. You may print out the application below, or come to the district office and complete a form in person. For more information, please refer to the District website. Note: any student that has an incomplete, late, or missing Address Verification is ineligible.


Click here for a downloadable, fillable PDF
*Do not mail, fax, or email; must be presented in person



Bring the Address Verification form and all supporting documents*, in person, to the district office:

Sequoia Union High School District
480 James Avenue, Redwood City, CA 94062

*Required supporting documentation must be included with your application:

Documents Needed for Address Verification. This link includes the documentation you must bring to verify your address, location of district office, and hours of address verification.


STEP II: Submit Open Enrollment for TIDE

Opens November 15, 2018

Once Address Verification is completed, students may submit a TIDE enrollment request through SUHSD’s established Open Enrollment process. As a reminder, Open Enrollment and TIDE enrollment requests are only for incoming 9th grade students. If you cannot submit a request online, please contact the Student Services Department at (650) 369-1411 ext. 22111.

Please click the button below if you wish to apply for enrollment at TIDE. Do not submit multiple applications as it may result in your application being deleted. Students will not be allowed to submit multiple Open Enrollment Transfer requests.


STEP III: TIDE/Open Enrollment Closes

The enrollment window will close on February 1, 2019 at 4:00pm. Late applications cannot and will not be accepted. All requests for enrollment and Address Verifications must be completed by this date/time. The Student Services department will immediately analyze requests against allocated enrollment groups. Enrollment notices will be mailed soon thereafter, if no public drawing (lottery) is needed, according to the allocated enrollment groups:

Group 1 - Addresses zoned for Menlo-Atherton High School*: 60%**
Group 2 - Addresses zoned for other SUHSD schools: 40%

*includes those portions of the following zip codes zoned to M-A: 94025, 94027, 94028, 94062, 94063 and 94303
**in order to serve TIDE’s local school community and due to the impacted enrollment status of M-A

If a public drawing (lottery) is necessary, final preparations will be made to execute.


STEP IV: Public Drawing (Lottery), if necessary

In the event that applications exceed available enrollment opportunities within either of the allocated enrollment groups, a random public drawing (lottery) will be conducted within each group in the following order:

Group 1: a randomly generated list will determine the order in which enrollments will be offered. Any Group 1 student not receiving an enrollment offer will be included in the Group 2 random public drawing (lottery), if one occurs, or will receive vacant Group 2 enrollment offers based upon the order of the randomly generated list.
Group 2: a randomly generated list will determine the order in which enrollments will be filled.

Additional information regarding the Public Drawing (Lottery):

  • All students not receiving an enrollment offer will be placed on a waitlist
  • Remaining enrollments (if any) will be offered in order to waitlisted students. Enrollment notices will be sent and students are expected to confirm enrollment as soon as possible, or within 7 business days after the date listed on the enrollment notice
  • Enrollment notices will be sent as soon as possible, upon completion


STEP V: Enrollment Acceptances (Rolling if necessary)

Each student receiving an enrollment notice will be expected to confirm enrollment as soon as possible, or by the established deadline of March 8, 2019 at 4:00pm. Upon accepting an enrollment offer, TIDE becomes your student’s home school and parents/guardians are responsible for transportation. Enrollments not accepted by the deadline will result in the enrollment being offered to the next waitlisted student (if available).

Rolling enrollment notices will continue to be sent to students in waitlisted order, if enrollments become available. Students receiving these enrollment notices will be expected to  confirm enrollment as soon as possible, or within 7 business days after the date listed on the enrollment notice.

If you do not receive an enrollment notification prior to the end of TIDE enrollment on April 30, 2019, your student will remain at his or her home school as identified by Address Verification. If additional seats become available after April 30, 2019, further enrollment offers will continue to be extended.

TIDE Academy Enrollment Policy

TIDE Academy Enrollment Policy iconTIDE Academy Enrollment Policytitle

Enrollment Overview:

TIDE Academy will open its doors for the 2019-20 school year with a founding Freshman class. Any Freshman that resides within Sequoia Union High School District’s attendance boundaries may apply for TIDE enrollment through our established Open Enrollment process. Additional information for enrollment at TIDE is below.

Contact Information:
For questions regarding TIDE Academy, please contact the administrative team:
Executive Director, SSI & Alt. Ed.
Principal, TIDE Academy
Ext. 79010
Kuliga, Mike
Assistant Principal, TIDE Academy
Ext. 79020
Director of Student Services
Ext. 22389
Enrollment Timeline

Enrollment Timeline iconEnrollment Timelinetitle

  • Last week of September, 2018: Open Enrollment letters, containing information on the TIDE enrollment process, sent to all current 8th grade students
  • November 1, 2018: Address Verification opens. Note: the Open Enrollment window opens prior to Address Verification; we ask that all families first verify their address to ensure there are no issues with their TIDE enrollment request.
  • November 15, 2018: Open Enrollment Transfer, and thus TIDE’s enrollment window, opens at 12:00pm
  • February 1, 2019: Open Enrollment Transfer, and thus TIDE’s enrollment window, closes at 4:00pm (no late applications are accepted)
  • February 7, 2019: applications are sorted and evaluated based upon allocated enrollment groups. Public drawing lotteries are held (if necessary). The drawing will be held at the Sequoia Union High School District Office (Board room) at 480 James Avenue in Redwood City at 3:00pm in the Birch Conference Room. While you are welcome to attend, it is not required as all lottery outcomes will be communicated to families in writing.
  • Late-February, 2019: enrollment notices are sent to families. Waitlist(s) will be established at this time; all remaining enrollments, if any exist, will be provided to waitlist students by waitlisted order within each allocated enrollment group
  • March 8, 2019, 4:00pm:  deadline to accept first round of enrollment offers
  • March-April, 2019:  any remaining enrollments are offered in order of waitlisted students on rolling basis, until waitlist expires. These enrollment offers must be accepted within 7 business days after the date listed on the enrollment notice
  • April 30, 2019:  TIDE enrollment is finalized; waitlist will expire unless additional seats remain, resulting in further enrollment offers being extended